I wanted to make a update on what I'm working on right now. So here it comes:
My first 'working on' is some shorts where I have cuted of the legs of some jeans that I bought at the secondhand store not long ago, and now I'm makeing the ends spiky so they will look cooler. Ehe.
The second garment I'm working on is a pleated/schoolgirl skirt, I've cutten out the pieces and I just have to sew them together now, I don't have any photos of it yet.... But I'm planing on finishing it this weekend so hopefully I'll show it to you then :)
And my third and last garment im working on is a top/bra thing, well, it's just like a bra what I've covered with rose patterned fabric, I found inspiration from these beautiful bra's with decoration (like bellydancers use) that I've seen on tumblr, and I just fell in love ;)
So stay turned !!!
Thx :)
SvarSlettI love your blog! I follow you too ;)
Bisous xx